Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ok. Let the battle of the bulge begin. Yesterday, after forcing my Pillsbury Dough tummy into my pants one more time, I decided ... that's it! I have heard of so many people that are losing weight at Curves ... CURVES? Really? Is it a diet? Is it a gym? Does 30 minutes really work? So, I went in and signed up, luckily they had a special for only $3 sign up I could get started. So, before I knew it, I left feeling Gung Ho! Today was my first workout. It is a gym ladies. It is a workout and it is a new way of life. I loved it! There were women of all sizes and shapes and they were talking and laughing, working out, and even some of them were complaining. One lady said ... "I'm doing the leg crunches" and everyone cheered. By the time I finished my workout, I was sweating, I felt like I burned those french fries off that I ate for lunch, and I think I'll go back. So, that's good. The ad asks ... can 30 minutes really change your life? Well, I'll guess we'll see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome diatribing, Jessica. I am very honestly impressed with your writing skills. You should be a newspaper columnist! I really enjoyed your work-buddies' descriptions. I wish I worked there! Please keep writing.


7:24 AM  

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